School Council

School Council is a valuable home/school link that supports the learning environment of our students and your children.

The Council acts in an advisory capacity providing ideas and input to assist the principal and where appropriate, school board trustees in their decision making on educational issues.

School Council membership includes parents (elected by parents), the principal, one member of the teaching staff, one non-teaching staff representative and, if possible, an appointed community member.

fundraising & Events

Fresh from the Farm
October: Fresh from the Farm
Families can purchase Ontario-grown fruit and/or vegetable bundles. Families will also have the option to donate bundles to the Westboro Region Food Bank. The Hilson Avenue P.S. Council keeps 40% of sales to support initiatives including the Yard Renewal activities, Movie Night and Book Fair expenses.

On October 1, 2024, from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm, the School Council will host an online presentation for Hilson parents and guardians on “Parenting the Digital Generation", presented by MediaSmarts.
A link to watch the presentation will be shared with all Hilson families via email closer to the date. 
This presentation is for parents and guardians – it will look at the various activities kids love to do online and offer tips and strategies for everything from social media privacy settings, online shopping, cyberbullying, to protecting your computer from viruses. MediaSmarts is Canada’s bilingual centre for digital media literacy - it is a registered charity and has been conducting research, developing resources and advancing digital media literacy since 1996.




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