Student Expectations

Expectations for Students at Hilson

Student Expectations

Respectful responses at all times

Hands and feet to self at all times

Class line-ups for entry and dismissal

Walk silently in a line on the right hand side

Entry or exit to school, classes or yard only with teacher permission

Dress Code respected

REMEMBER to dress for the weather

Use of electronics is not permitted on school grounds (cell phones,

cameras, MP3’s, hand-held games etc.)

Label personal belongings

The school is not responsible for items brought to school that become

lost, damaged or stolen.

Bicycles, skateboards, roller-blades, “heelies” are not to be used on

school grounds

No gum chewing

Lunch routines:

Students remain seated while eating.

Garbage should return home in lunch bag to encourage

litterless lunches.

Dismissal routines:

Walking to buses – no running

Walking your bicycle when on school grounds

Mission Statement: Hilson Avenue Public School is a school where every

child is embraced as a member of the school community. Academic progress,

social development, and positive attitude towards self and others are

cornerstones on which the Hilson philosophy rests.


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