Principal's Message

Welcome to Hilson Avenue Public School! Our school is an Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) school located in an established residential neighbourhood known as Westboro. The school was first founded in 1914. My father went to school here as a child when he first came to Canada as an eight year old boy from England. The original building does not resemble the beautiful and renovated facility that we currently enjoy. 

We are home to 300 students from a diverse range of backgrounds and a close knit community. We serve students in the centre west of Ottawa and have bilingual Kindergarten classes, English Programming with Core French in grades 1 to 6 and Middle French Immersion in grades 4 to 6, as well as a junior Language Learning Disabilities Program (LLD) and a newly added General Learning Program (GLP). This diversity enriches the learning and teaching experiences in our school.

Our staff is a caring, collaborative and compassionate group of educators who are committed to working with you and your children to ensure they develop the social, emotional and academic skills to become contributing citizens of their communities. Parents enrich the learning environment by volunteering in classrooms, helping with the outdoor garden, planning the yard renewal, being members of the school council or related committees and by supporting extra curricular activities. 

Christol Barrett, the vice principal, and I work as a team to serve our students, parents and staff. Keeping open communication between home and school is a priority for our school community. If you are not able to attend school council meetings and have ideas to share, do not hesitate to call the school at 613-728-4607 or send us a note by email at [email protected] and [email protected]. In an effort to be environmentally friendly, we send out weekly emails to the Hilson families. We also keep an online calendar of school activities on our website as well as a Twitter feed of weekly learning activities and events @HilsonAvenuePS.

We look forward to working with you and your children,

Jennifer Ramsay


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