Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Welcome to Hilson Avenue Public School! Our school is an Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) school located in an established residential neighbourhood known as Westboro. The school was first founded in 1914. Our current building was built in 1989 and it is a lovely, welcoming space for learning. If you are looking to register your child in a small but mighty community-minded school, you have come to the right place!

We are home to approximately 300 students from a diverse range of backgrounds and a close knit community. We serve students in the centre-west of Ottawa and have bilingual Kindergarten classes, Regular Program for Grades 1 to 6 and Middle French Immersion for Grades 4 to 6, as well as a Junior Language Learning Disabilities Program (LLD) and a General Learning Program (GLP). This diversity enriches the learning and teaching experiences in our school. 

Our staff is a dynamic, caring and collaborative group of educators who are dedicated to working with students and families to ensure they develop the social, emotional and academic skills to become contributing citizens of their communities. Parents enrich the learning environment by volunteering, joining field trips, giving guest speaking presentations, joining the playground renewal committee, being members of the School Council or related committees and by supporting extra curricular activities. 

The administrative team includes Christol Barrett, Vice-Principal, and we work as a team to serve our students, parents and staff. Keeping open communication between home and school is a priority for our school community. If you are not able to attend School Council meetings and have ideas to share, do not hesitate to call the school at 613-728-4607 or send us a note by email at and In an effort to build strong bonds between the school and student families, we send a weekly email so families know about what is going on at school. For example, we will highlight academic initiatives, special events and activities and important updates. We also keep an online calendar of school activities on our website.

I look forward to learning working with you and your children,

Alisa Viner
