Fresh from the Farm Fundraiser

Thank you to all families who participated in the Fresh From the Farm fundraiser! We have raised a total of 24 boxes of farm veggies to the food bank!
The pick-up date has been confirmed as November 27th!
We are asking all families who ordered bundles of vegetables and apples to please come to the school main entrance between 4:00 - 5:30 pm to pick up your bundles. Students will not be sent home with the bundles due to the weight of the packages, if arrangements need to be made for alternative pick-ups, please email the school council at
- The Hilson Avenue P.S. Council is once again holding the Fresh from the Farm fundraiser, where families can purchase Ontario-grown fruit and/or vegetable bundles. Families will also have the option to donate bundles to the Westboro Region Food Bank.
- The Hilson Avenue P.S. Council keeps 40% of sales to support initiatives including the Yard Renewal activities, Movie Night and Book Fair expenses. Go to School Cash Online to make your selection.
- Orders and payment are due by Friday, October 11, 2024 through SchoolCash Online at Information and reminders will also be shared through School emails.
- Pick-up will be at Hilson Avenue P.S. between early November and early December (home delivery is not available).The pick up date will be announced at least a week in advance.
- The School Council coordinates the delivery of all donated bundles to the Westboro Region Food Bank.
- Families are encouraged to promote the fundraiser to family and friends, but children are not allowed to go door to door. Orders from family and friends must be made through SchoolCash Online.
- If you would like to learn more about the Fresh from the Farm Program (including recipes), please visit
8 lb Apple Bundle: $24.00
14 lb Vegetable Bundle: $22.00
Please make your order/payment by Friday, October 11, 2024.
If you have any questions please email the School Council at: